Apparently, a lot more people than you would think, despite the fact this model dates to the 1990s. Simple fact: more people have downloaded the podcast Serial than watched Girls, Madmen, or Louie. (MORE…)

Apparently, a lot more people than you would think, despite the fact this model dates to the 1990s. Simple fact: more people have downloaded the podcast Serial than watched Girls, Madmen, or Louie. (MORE…)
JLSI clients often say that they would “never” sell to Walmart. Really? This doesn’t make sense. (MORE…)
Privacy, meet ubiquity. The impact of digital everything on traditional expectations about privacy is not obvious to people. Generally speaking, the largest group of consumers – Millennials – have been very willing to allow their privacy to be monitored by companies like Google, in return for instant access to the digital world. (MORE…)
The next time you take a business risk, think about this: Thor Hyerdahl saw his 4,000 mile expedition from Peru to Polynesia aboard the balsa raft Kon-Tiki as only a modest risk. (MORE…)
In a word, no. The International Space Station was “born” in Ronald Regan’s 1984 State of the Union speech, in which he promised that NASA would build a space station (ISS) which would permit “quantum leaps in our research in science, communications, in metals, and in life saving medicines which can be manufactured only in… (MORE…)
You’ve heard them all your life, you just don’t know it. Paraprosdokians are just figures of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected, and frequently humorous. (MORE…)
You’re wondering about the, Apple Watch, right? You may have one: I do. But still, you wonder. Is this really a thing? What’s the “use case”? Well, here’s the start of an answer, taken from a presentation given by Mike Bollinger of LiveEvent. (MORE…)
If you think yours is one of the cost “protected domestic markets,” think again. Our view: There is no such thing. (MORE…)
The future of life is smaller, at least in terms of living spaces. Most recent example: The Actor’s Fund is building retirement housing in New York from modular “micro units” of only 255-360 square feet in size. (MORE…)
A recent HBS working paper concluded that shoppers who bring reusable bags to the store like to reward themselves for doing so. (MORE…)
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